We must build community resources, interventions, and support that do not rely on the carceral system. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss a resource guide by Shira Hassan and Interrupting Criminalization called “Painting the Ocean & the Sky”, which provides guidance to abolitionist activists, organizers, and leaders on best practices[…]
Race & Class Intersections
It is important to understand the complexity of class and race and how they can interact in such a way that becomes a barrier to progress. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss the piece “Black Class Matters” by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor in Hammer & Hope, which explores the intersections and implications[…]
Reverse Migration & Black Political Power
The great migration in reverse theory is a compelling idea for Black Americans to consider. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss the documentary South to Black Power, which follows author and op-ed journalist Charles M. Blow as he explores the great migration in reverse theory as a strategy for Black[…]
2023 Year in Review
2023 is almost wrapped so it’s time for our last episode of the year! Listen as Aaron and Damien reflect on the past year of our podcast, and each share our top 5 moments from the show. Thank you for listening to Interdependent Study! We’ll see you in 2024! Listen[…]
Abolition: How do we get there from here? Part 2
Our conversation about the many questions that abolitionist organizers need to answer in order to create the future we need continues. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss a ‘zine by Interrupting Criminalization called “Abolition & the State: Responses Vol. 1”, which engages abolitionists and scholars in sharing their reflections on[…]
Abolition: How do we get there from here?
There are many questions that abolitionist organizers need to answer in order to create the future we need. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss a discussion tool by Interrupting Criminalization called “Abolition & the State”, which provides questions and activities for abolitionist organizers to use to explore the possibilities for[…]
Fight For The Whole Working Class
Class struggle unionism can serve as a way to rebuild a powerful labor movement in this country. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss the book Class Struggle Unionism by Joe Burns, which shares the history and characteristics of unionism and outlines ideas common to class struggle unionism and how these[…]
Reconstruction Continues
The vision and legacy of Reconstruction in this country continues today. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss the piece “How Black Americans Kept Reconstruction Alive” by Peniel E. Joseph in The Atlantic, which shares how Black Reconstructionists created and enacted a vision for a multiracial democracy that continues now through[…]
Abolition Here, There, and Everywhere
Abolitionist organizing work is taking place everywhere in this country. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss the piece “Abolition Everywhere” by Meghan Krausch in Inquest, which explores some of the abolitionist organizing taking place in Republican-controlled states and regions across the country, particularly in the south, and what we learn[…]
Health Justice: More than Do No Harm
Abolitionist organizing for health justice is important and necessary work. Listen as Aaron and Damien discuss the piece “Beyond Do No Harm: Health Justice and Abolition” by Maria Thomas in The Forge, which outlines the mission and recent work of the Beyond Do No Harm Network and introduces their 13[…]